Help Me in My Weakness, All Ye Mighty!

by Tom Tasseff
20 January 2103. Hello. The Paypal "Donate" button you see at page bottom works. It is the latest attempt by blogger Homeless T to get some money. The writer--also known as Thomas George needs teeth (found a set of dentures at a garage sale that fit perfectly), socks (people lose a lot of socks, and I collect 'em), a tropical snow, a third wife, and an elegant old car. 

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Presently, he is recuperating from a broken leg in the Waverly Hospital in Iowa, and taking a good deal of pain medication. Forgive his childishness as you would be forgiven. And for God's sake, don't make your own children feel small and powerless. If you must assert your power, do it over an alpha-type male, full-grown.

His aim is true, and he almost never fails to hit the bulls-eye. However, it is generally the bulls-eye of a wrong target. Every success in his life has been accidental.

He rests with assurance that whatever he sets his hand to will prove itself the worst possible action he could have made in the long run. That's Homeless confidence with a capital "k."

Homeless's life has ever been guided by solipsism, and he doesn't hesitate to teach his version of the world. Many have achieved more than they would have, had they never met him.  At worst, he provides an examplar of what not to do. At best, he uncovers the non-public agenda of glad-handing schemes.

He questions conventional wisdom, detests self-appointed gurus, and prescribes eternity spent in hell for proponents of scientifically generated wisdom (based on computer models of incredible scale). Unleashing googlism on an unsuspecting generation by appealing to personal vanity will create a generation as insubstantial as the medium upon which they rely, this blasted internet.

Thomas G. Tasseff--that is the name his parents assigned to him, but don't mention it aloud, please--has been on a streak of his usual inverted luck, and he himself has toned down considerably. He takes what is offered, tries to be of use to others when he can, and in the process of well-intending  actions, continues to role-model the consummate nit-wit for younger people, who overnight mend their sloppy thinking. 

Update: As of this day, March 19, 2015, Tom is officially an elder. He's moved to an old folks home, so write to him at 210 15th Street West, Apt 201, Waverly IA 50677.  Call him at 319 429-9991.  Best idea: show the world how well you have done by paying him back for the stupidity he taught you to avoid. He will in future be publishing a donors' hall of fame.