Peer-to-Peer Comfort at D.R.E.A.M.S.

by Homeless T

1420 First Avenue NE Suite 105
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
(319) 892-4129

CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. 9 September 2010. Words cannot express how grateful I was to find DREAMS in walking distance from the Cedar House.  This non-profit mental-health organization's name--*Dedicated to Recovery, Education, Advocacy, and Mental Health--is just too much to spit out each time you want to use it; so just think of Cedar Rapids' only after-hours, peer-to-peer recovery center, located on the first floor at 1420 First Avenue NE, as the regulars do--as D.R.E.A.M.S. Click on the page-images to increase their size, and check out their Spring, 2010 newsletter, its pages interspersed throughout this HomelessT blog entry:

DREAMS is . . . people helping people feel like they belong again.

The center's focus is on providing peer support for an often-overlooked aspect of recovery from mental illness, and especially dual diagnosis illness: regaining a sense of belonging in a social atmosphere. Not a clinic or an outpatient service, DREAMS is a peer-to-peer center where people with mental illness or co-occurring disorders (dual diagnoses) can drop in and experience the kind of personal, mutual support everybody needs to regain their bearings in the world beyond mental illness.

DREAMS is . . . people enjoying themselves:

DREAMS has much to offer clients who choose to register and join in: peer-to-peer support groups (no doctors), craft and game activities, movies, outings, educational forums, referral counseling, and even meditation. The facility is a comfortable, home-like place--definitely non-clinical. The "dream-scape" includes a TV lounge and kitchen; activity and conference rooms; a computer lab, and even a chilled-out spot for meditation--their Serenity Room.

DREAMS is staffed with people like you.

The center's summer hours: weekdays from 2 PM until 6:30, and weekends from Noon - 7 PM. Telephone them at (319) 892-4129. DREAMS mission is "[g]rounded in the principles of hope, recovery and responsibility. We provide an environment where individuals with lived experience of mental illness or co-occurring disorders can support each other in finding their voice and realizing their dreams."

DREAMS is people talking to people. Peer support groups that meet regularly at DREAMS:

DREAMS is . . . Relaxation, Healing and Mindfulness

But the center is by no means all about talk. There's often a dog to pet wandering around the place. Be prepared for Hey! Who's up for Monopoly, Sequence, Shuffleboard, etc.?--and participation is voluntary. If games are not your cup of tea, that's okay too. You'll find some activity when you visit, even if it's only using their Internet-equipped computer lab, installed and supported by Cedar Rapids' REACT organization. Craft-lovers will not be disappointed, either, because DREAMS offers regular creative activities, including
  • Beading
  • Quilting
  • Card-Making
  • Model-Making
  • Scrap-booking, and lots
  • more. 
DREAMS is people helping people to bounce back, better than ever. They participate in wellness and physical-fitness activities through their affiliation with the YMCA Jump-Start program. Feel like a work-out or a cool swim? Excursions to the Cedar Rapids Y are scheduled at least twice a week. If you desire, a personal trainer will size you up on your first visit, and custom-tailor a program of exercise designed to put you back on the road to hot-bod fitness--or at least better health. And who knows what could develop: Look out Mr. or Ms. Universe! 

DREAMS is . . . people teaching people.

Educational forums are offered from from time-to-time, and informal how-to instruction in Peer-to-Peer support, Safety Planning, Self-Advocacy, Co-occurring Illness, and Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP). The latter sets a series of goals, and lays out steps to attain them. Referral services to resources are provided one-on-one by a peer counselor with the knowledge to direct you to the right community agency.

DREAMS stands apart from other recovery centers, because beyond its featured services, it provides a friendly place to be yourself, and interact with others if you wish--a one-of-a-kind, comfortable spot, where empathy will more often than not emerge--a welcome change for persons grown wary and weary of highly regimented, institutional-style services. 

The name says it all: find yourself at DREAMS. (319) 892-4129

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