Bastards and Bitches, Compare and Answer My Prayer

Poesy by the Man-Maid
posted by HL Teabury

There must be uplifting ere we fall down:
some grace to prevent the clearly hell-bound
from fickle leaping tween no and yes,
to stop bitches bidding God lick under their dress.

Voices distorted will endlessly claim
Divinity delusion, all colors the same.
Obedience is a lie beaten into blank youth
To teach them that lying is civilized truth.

Aim for integrity, though it may chafe,
Or let honor fall unmourned in its grave.

You may grasp ascension just eschewing smirks,
recalling instead many undeserved hurts.
In the course of a lifetime philosophers learn
Everyone must eat their bucket of dirt.

Give what you have though the thought makes you sick
Or damn your brother, you son-of-a-bitch.